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Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

"Youngsters need to understand the real purpose of life. They need courage and wisdom to face the challenges of life. Only with that understanding they can become the light of the world. If we care for them responsibly and mould their whole character with love, then the future of the world will be safe.


 It is a matter of great anguish that today's youngsters are growing up in a society that teaches them to think, “What can I get” rather than, “What can I give to the world”. Many of them believe that violence is the only legitimate way to settle a conflict. But, in reality,  the true essence of our being is, love.  We all  are beads, strung together on the same thread of love. 


 We all know that the real goal of education is not to create people who understand only the language of technology but to impart a culture of the heart based on spiritual values. Tomorrow's world will be shaped by today's children and we must cultivate universal human values in their tender minds. The teaching of universal spiritual principles and human values should be the main purport of education."

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