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Mathematics Day Celebration

A famous mathematician once said, "Mathematics is the most beautiful and the most powerful creations of the human spirit. “

Mathematics holds a very significant place in our daily life. Every activity, that we undertake, involves mathematics in some or the other way. Once termed as a difficult subject to pursue, math has now become an interesting part of curriculum and daily life. The contribution of some great mathematicians has made the subject easy to understand.

One of the eminent mathematicians of our country is Srinivasa Ramanujan.

To pay a heartfelt tribute to him and to commemorate his birth anniversary, we, at Amrita Vidyalayam are observing GANIT UTASAVAM on December 22, 2020.

The term GANIT stands for 'Growing Aptitude in Numerical Innovation and Training.' A plethora of stimulating activities has been planned for the students to foster positive attitude towards math. Kindly encourage your ward to participate in these funs filled activities.

We look forward to your cooperation.


Amrita Vidyalayam

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